Why manufacturing company should use uniforms for their factory workers

Uniforms have been a part during most times of our lives. Although certain uniforms are a pride in themselves like an army uniform it has been an essential part of several companies as well. Uniform is a statement of discipline. Almost all companies should have uniforms for their employees. Lately, one of our clients asked us how providing uniforms to their factory workers can help them in their organisation. Here’s a list of benefits of having a uniform for the employee.

  • Recognition- uniforms have a specific colour and the company’s logo on it which makes it easier for the customer or other staff of the company to recognise the employee. It also gives a professional touch thus improving the status of the company as well. Not just this, certain uniforms have bright neon colours which are useful for employees working in darker areas or where there is insufficient light hence making it easier for others to locate them.
  • Unity- uniforms are a symbol of unity and togetherness. It also gives a sense of being a part of the team to the employees thus motivating them to work better. Uniforms speaks for equality which forms the basic for a great team. It gives the employees the feeling of being same and equal to the others and eradicates the problems which might have caused if the worker had a feeling of partiality or differences. No matter how rich or poor the employees are, uniforms brings in a sense of commonness and provides a feeling of belonging.
  • Safety- employee’s safety should always be the first priority of any company , not alone manufacturing companies. Certain industries deal with chemicals or other substances which are not skin friendly and might cause hazards. There are certain clothes which are not suitable for all types of environment. Companies dealing with such issues should have uniforms which are tailor made as per the situations of the factory.
  • Departmental identifications- factories have to deal with several departments and with specific uniforms for each and every departments, it becomes quiet easy for other people to recognize them as per their department or field. When departmental recognition is easy, it can save some time as well.

How to ensure timely delivery of uniforms from your vendors?

Getting a new set of uniforms for your business is very exciting, but it can also be challenging. If you order way too many uniforms, that can lead to delays, and you want to avoid such an issue as much as possible. Focusing on the best results is crucial, and at the end of the day it all comes down to finding the right approach and making sure you are obtaining a great experience. But how can you be certain that they will offer a timely delivery?

Test out their delivery timeline with a sample order

The best thing you can do is to perform a sample order and see how fast they can deliver your required uniforms. If the vendor is fast, then it makes a lot of sense to make a larger order later on. Normally you will have a good idea of how quick an uniform vendor will be, so it’s important to know what you can take into consideration for the best results. Once you do that, the results will not be as good as you would imagine.

Place smaller orders

Instead of relying on vendor timelines to be very comprehensive, a good approach is to split the large order into smaller ones. This way you can be 100% sure that there are no issues. Of course it’s easier and most likely cheaper to do everything at once. But if you have a deadline for those uniforms and the vendor is overwhelmed, that can be very important to deal with. You want to prevent issues that can arise, and placing smaller orders is the right way to do it.

Split the order between multiple vendors

If the timeline is short, you might not be able to place smaller orders and wait for one delivery and then the next one after that. What you can do as an alternative is to split the order between multiple vendors. It’s still a fantastic idea, and it will eliminate many challenges. It can be rather tricky and challenging in the beginning, but if you do it adequately this can still work. That means you need to trust every vendor to deliver on time. However, if the order is for a low amount of units, they will most likely deliver on time, so the results can still be pretty impressive.


It’s important to find solutions when you want the uniforms to be delivered on time. Focus on results and value, and don’t hesitate to take your time with it. If you do this adequately, nothing can stand in your way. Just give these options a try and see what works for you. Adapting and adjusting as you go along might very well be the option, but it’s crucial to try out multiple avenues to see how this works. It might be an amazing experience. That’s why every approach can be great, it all comes down to adapting that to your own needs!

We are best uniform manufacturers in India and always ensure timely delivery of school uniforms to our clients. We manufacture best quality school uniforms . For any further information you can drop us a mail on sales@buzzuniforms.com.

How to avoid quality mismatch during final delivery with original approved samples while finalizing uniforms for company?

When you order uniforms, you can deal with a situation when you encounter quality mismatch. These things can happen, and it’s an unfortunate situation. But you don’t have any control over something like this, so what can you actually do in order to prevent any quality mismatch in the future? There are numerous things to take into account here.

Ask for delivery in smaller batches

Instead of getting 1000 failed uniforms at once, you can split orders into smaller batches. This way you might still end up with a quality mismatch, but it will be on a much lower number. And that’s obviously going to matter quite a lot, since you will have more focus on value and a great experience. The most important aspect here is that you’re getting a tremendous experience and you will be heavily impressed with the outcome. It’s going to be worth it, so try to consider that as much as you can.

Set the right standard

It’s a good idea to talk with the manufacturer and ask for some updates and even some pictures of the finished products. It will offer a good insight into what you can expect and the value that can be brought to the table. Understanding that and the challenges that can potentially arise is a very good idea. You do need to pay a lot of attention to the process, and the results will be well worth it.

Share the correct details and work on a couple of samples first

Even if your original approved samples are ok, you will still need to do some more just to ensure everything works the way you want. Although it might seem counter-intuitive to continue with a small order size, it does make sense to opt for such an approach because it offers a better chance of not dealing with a quality mismatch.

Work with a single manufacturer

There are situations when companies outsource uniform manufacturing to multiple companies. Obviously there’s a higher risk of dealing with something wrong when you have multiple manufacturers. That’s why it makes sense to just work with one of them, and the results can be among some of the best every time. You will appreciate the process and the entire experience, we guarantee that and you will not have to worry about any issues that can arise.

Is it possible for a quality mismatch to appear between samples and the final product? Of course, these things happen all the time. What really matters is how you choose to deal with that kind of issue and how you manage everything. Thankfully, if you do this right, nothing will stand in your way. We encourage you to avoid any rush and really focus on professionalism. Something as simple as communicating and asking for more samples as production is underway is a very good idea. It can take a little bit of time from your side to avoid a quality mismatch, but it’s certainly possible!

Importance of PE Uniforms

Why every school should have separate uniforms for students during physical education session

Having a special uniform attire for physical education has several advantages and can significantly improve students’ engagement.

While there are many ways to get students actively participating in a physical education class, a PE uniform makes it easier for everyone to blend in and work out without the risk of protruding out of the bunch for sharp comments.

In this short article, we’ll explore some of the core areas a physical education uniform can help your students get better in the class and improve the overall performance of the class.

Benefits of having a uniform for physical education classes

Promotes team spirit

Psychologists have found that uniformed teams are often more unified and tend to react to challenges, instructions, and gameplay than a nonuniformed one.

The reason for this is simple – uniforms tend to make team members see themselves as a single unit, all working together to achieve a common goal, as such, getting a PE uniform for your student is one of the best ways to develop a heightened sense of discipline and team spirit in them to be able to actively participate in groups and complete such tasks without their differences coming in the way.

Lessen peer pressures

Peer pressures often arise when students feel out of place and will want to belong to a unique clique.

Clothing is one of the best ways students tend to form and identify members of any clique. By introducing a special uniform for your PE classes, you can eliminate this critical element and have yourself a class that always strives to work together without any level of segregation.

Also, some students tend to feel pressure over the clothes they wear to school when they have the options to purchase these items themselves and in any style they want. Help your students relax more in the class with a standard uniform.

Improve focus

There are fewer distractions when students dress in PE uniforms. This is because such uniforms are designed for activity and not for fashions.

As such, when students make use of physical education uniforms, they tend to focus more on the activities going on in the class rather than being distracted over the fashion items of others, as is often common in nonuniform pe classes.

Safety improvements

Safety matters a lot when it comes to physical activities. To promote safety, students are often advised to wear sports clothing that is loose enough to allow freedom of movements and not too loose to come in the way.

With a physical education uniform, you won’t have to worry about students wearing clothes that are too tight or loose and may put them at increased risks when carrying out physical activities. Pe uniforms are designed for performance and, as such, allows for maximum physical activity with minimal risks.

Fewer discipline issues

Students who wear uniforms tend to show greater respect for authorities than those who don’t. This creates a better environment for conflict to be handled efficiently and quickly by the pe class instructors.

How to assess the stitching quality of uniforms for school uniforms

It is always important to check the clothing quality before buying school uniforms. You may think that buying a school uniform is easy, but that’s not true. School uniforms are somehow different from the casual clothes. Those are supposed to be very reliable, and this is only possible when the quality of clothes is great. But how would you ensure that the quality of uniform is great before buying? Well, there are several things to check. Most people just check the clothing stuff, colors, and other elements like buttons, etc. However, checking the stitching quality is the most crucial factor while ensuring the quality of clothes.

If you are not sure about how to check the stitching quality of school uniforms, don’t worry about it anymore. We will let you know how you can check everything in detail about the stitching quality before buying.

Check seams and hems

Firstly, when buying school uniforms, you must check the stitching quality of seams and hems. Look closely at the seams and check if there are any gaps between the threads. You can also check this by trying to pull them apart. Keep in mind that you need to gently pull them so that you could know about the stitching quality of seems. Another thing to check is how hems are stitched. If the clothing quality is good, the hems would be tightly stitched. If the hems are loose or there is some gap, you can find out that the clothing quality is not that good.

Check if there are any broken stitches

    This is the most important thing while ensuring the stitching quality of school uniforms. As we have discussed above, you need to make sure that the clothes are reliable. And if the stitches are broken, the clothing quality is not considerable. There are different types of broken stitches.

  • The most common type of broken stitches is needle cutting. It happens when the thread is being broke during the stitching process. Due to needle cutting, one seam crosses another seam as the seam has to be consistent throughout the line. If you see something like this in the uniform, you can access the stitching quality.
  • Another thing to check is skipped stitch. Most of the time, while stitching the seam, a skipped stitch happens. When it happens, the seam will appear broken and it must be re stitched in order to be perfect.
  • You can also check if there are any color degradation in the threads. It also shows the quality of thread as well as the stitching quality of uniform.

Check all the edges of the uniform

Checking the edges of the uniform is also important. Sometimes, the edges are not consistent, and there are threads coming out of the edges. If you see something like this in the uniform, you can leave that one as it shows the bad stitching quality. All the edges throughout the uniform must be consistent and with the same stitching quality.

How to assess the quality of printed logo on uniform garments

Assessing the quality of printed logo on uniform garments is important. There are different things that can help us to check the durability of the logo printed on uniform garments. If you want to buy uniform garment, don’t worry at all. We are going to help you by providing different ways to make sure the printed logo has good quality. You can read all the following methods to assess the quality of the printed logo.

  • Check flexibility
  • Checking the flexibility of the printed logo and uniform is a must. If the logo is flexible enough on the uniform surface, this is a good sign about the excellent quality of the printed logo. Usually, flexibility is directly connected with the durability of clothes. The logo should be properly distributed on the surface of the cloth.